Memory keeper

When J was born I decided that I wanted a way to keep track of things like his first steps, his first words, etc.  But I didn’t really like the generic memory books that they sell in the stores, with only a one line place to write such big memories.  What I decided on instead was a journal.  This way I can write in any format I want, whether it’s a letter to J, summaries of what he’s been doing, or specific memories or big steps in his life.  I feel like it’s more personal than just a notation in a generic book about his first tooth coming in at 9 months.  I try and write in the journal whenever I feel like something big or special has happened that I want to remember and that I want J to be able to go back and read about someday.

I started with his birth story and have written in there once or twice a month since.  This was my entry from tonight:

Hi Honey Bear!  You have grown so much! A little over 10 months now and your head grazes the bottom of my desk! Grama said your face is changing a lot now too – not so baby faced anymore and more like a little boy.  Sometimes I get a glance at what I think you’ll look like all grown up.  Your top teeth are starting to pike through now too! Those teeth come quick once they start growing.  This week you went back to walking, more more crawling for you!  We’re going to need more baby gates now.  You also figured out how to climb stairs although I have no idea how you figured that out! Double Trouble!  This week you started saying “na” and “ooogh” and you like to “talk ” and respond to people now too.  Still no “ma” yet though, but you’ve been saying “da” for a while now.  You stick your tongue out and can spit now and you like drinking from a big cup even though you just drool it right back out onto whoever is holding you.  You’ll eat pretty much anything but we tried raspberries and strawberries and you’re not quite sure about those yet.  But you’ll eat blackberries.  Avocados are still a favorite and peas too.  Your favorite game is chase or “rawr” as Grampa calls it.  Daddy or Grampa crawl around on their knees and you “run” and squeal – so fun!  We did bubbles on Easter and you like those too.  You are giving hugs and kisses now too.  We can’t get enough of those snuggles.  We’ll take full advantage of them now 🙂  Can’t believe you’re almost a year old…Love you.


I hope that someday J will be able to go back and read through all these memories and milestones.  He won’t remember a lot of them, but maybe it’ll paint a picture in his mind about when he was little.

This is the journal I found at Barnes and Noble.  I added his name to the side and inside the front cover to personalize it, but I liked the message on the front.



P.S.  He’s now discovered the kitchen cabinets open…dun dun dunnnnnnn. We are in for it now….