Baby Shower fun

Yesterday my Mom and I threw my brother and sister-in-law a Couples Baby Shower for their coming bundle of joy.

A couples shower is something I’ve heard of but hadn’t even been to, but I loved it.  More like a party than a regular shower and was very fun to watch the men participate in the games and activities.  Plus it was fun to see my Bro participate in opening the gifts as well.  For my baby shower the Hubs had to go through all the gifts with me afterwards and I’m not sure he really got to enjoy all the stuff we got for J.

The weather turned out great (a crap shoot for May in CO) and they had a really good turn-out too.  They had an alligator theme.



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For one of the games we did the Egg game.  Everyone takes an egg when they arrive and whoever ends up with the “winner” inside gets the prize!  The catch is that you are allowed to steal eggs and trade eggs.  There’s only one winner, so whoever has the most eggs has the best chance of winning!

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Then there was the baby bottle game.  These 5 guys bravely volunteered to chug beer out of a baby bottle.  Harder than it looks!  After 3 minutes, the winner only chugged 2 ounces!


Then the Baby Food Game.  Blindfold one partner while they try and feed an entire jar of baby food to the other partner while his hands are behind his back.  Sounds simple enough, right?  Wrong! Try and get a spoon in the mouth of your partner while they are laughing and you can’t see their mouth! Way fun.


The clothes-line game!  Hold your phone on your ear while holding a broom under your other arm and then try and hang as many clothes on the line as you can.  Not too bad until the “tornado” comes along!


The lovely couple made out pretty well!

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Even J found something to keep himself perfectly entertained for a good 20 minutes 🙂 Was really funny watching him splash around in this perfectly sized water table!  Thanks Auntie Tay for having this “just for him” haha.

*Stay tuned for further instructions on the diaper wreath and other Shower how-to’s.*

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